Saturday, April 26, 2008

Adjustments to marriage

Adjustments to marriage

Whoever have the dream of happy married life but there have need of many kind of adjustments.
First, there are professional adjustments. For example, if both husband and wife had job, they have to decide whether all of them will go on working or one of them will give up working for future. Besides, if the workplace of one of them is so far, they may have to move to near place. The colleagues of the work didn't tell me anymore " I will introduce a virgin to you".
Second, There are the personal adjustments. In my case, even if I was so tired, I should cleanly wash my hand and foot before going to bed. If I work late at night in office, I had to report to my wife. I also had to do often houseworks.
Third, there are some social adjustments. The number of the family is increased. I should consider memorial days of family belong to my wife and had to agree to go to the house of my wife's parent.
finally, there are the emotional adjustments. Because I felt lots of responsibility to serve my family, I could had endurance.
Marriage must is one of the reasons that make me change much. I had many adjustments for happy married life consciously or unconsciously.

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