Sunday, June 15, 2008

The effect of learning a new language

A Language is a instrument that we can communication with other persons through. Having ability to use a new language effects our life. Most of people really want to learn a new langage, specially English, because they think that it helps them to live better living. There are many reasons people learn a new language.

People learn a new language to exist. Most companies damand ability of English to persons who want to become a member. In addition, English is important to improve or keep job. A large number of people emigrate to other country every year and learning new language is necessary to them. Students have to learn a couple of new language at least.

People learn a new language to develop themselves. Many people importantly consider learning English for self-development. When we see persons who speak English well, envy and want to be like them. People try to increase their worth by having ability of new language.

People learn to a new language to enjoy better a cultural life. If we can speak a new language, we can make foreigner friends easily and travel other countries freely. The sphere of our social activities can be enlarged by using a new language.

People want to learn to a new language because of various reasons such as to exist or to develop themselves and to enjoy better a cultural life. In the global era, a person who can only speak one's native language looks like a person behind the times. Learning a new language is fun on the one hand and difficult on the other. However, it isn't a choice but a essentiality to a modern.

1 comment:

Ha-Jeon Lim said...

I read your composition well. It’s very interesting and impressive.
These days, I realized deeply it is difficult for me to learn English.
I would depress and encourage myself everyday. Especially, speaking is my big problem.
At any rate, I will give you some opinions.
You defined well about topic, body, and conclusion. But, I found some strange expressions.
I think that “foreign language” would rather than “new language.”
Meaning of “new” is recently produced, made, or built. And “new languages” usually used computer programming language.

1st paragraph
a instrument -> an instrument, communication with -> communicate with,
it helps them to live better living -> it helps them for better life

2nd paragraph
People learn a new language to exist -> to get a good job
learning new language is necessary to them -> it is necessary for them to learn foreign language

3rd paragraph
envy and want to be like them -> we envy and want to be like them

5th paragraph
such as to exist or to develop themselves and to enjoy better a cultural life -> such as to exist, to develop themselves, and to enjoy better a cultural life
modern -> moderns or modern society.
a person who can only speak one's native language looks like a person behind the times. ->
a person who speak only native language is behind the times.
a essentiality -> an essentiality

You will make remarkable progress in English in near future.
Good Luck.